1·The influence of the reactive component of the paramagnetic resonance on the gain-bandwidth product has been taken into account in the analysis.
2·For reactive sputtering, the gradient films with varying ratio of chemical component can be prepared by changing gas flow rate continuously.
3·It can detect not only any current component in the distorted current, but also the sum of harmonic and reactive currents.
4·Reactive power service is a key component of power market ancillary service, and reactive power price in the generation side is the base of reactive power market.
5·Reactive power service is a key component of power market ancillary service, and reactive power pricing in the generation side is the base of reactive power market.
6·This paper introduces a method of measure analysis of methane-air premixed combustion flame component and concentration, and divides reactive, productive and environmental areas of flame.
7·Its key technology is the current compensation object detected in the other harmonics and reactive current component.
8·Emphasis will be primarily on reactive, moisture curing polyurethanes that are applied as one-component liquids, hot melts and binders for wood composition board.
9·This method can inspect the harmonic component and reactive power immediately.
10·In power net the harmonic pollutions and reactive power component generated by power electronic equipments have been the major source.